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česky | english
Publications suitable for training to written test and practical examination. These books are for sale in major bookstores and gunshops.

Books related to written test:

Zbraně a střelivo; právní úprava & zkušební otázky (Firearms and ammo; Legal arrangements and test questions) - ISBN 80-7312-021-6
  • very good publication authorised by Home Office of Czech Republic. This book contains of appropriate laws and regulations, complete set of test questions including the highlights of correct answers and blank copies of all necessary forms. The book is attached with a floppy disc containing simple examination software which can generate and evaluate the test relating to licence type/group you are applying for
  • Price: around CZK 250
Jan Komenda; Testový soubor ke zk. odborné způsobilosti pro žadatele o ZP (Set of test questions and answers for Competency Certificate Test) - ISBN 80-239-1108-2
  • containing only the test questions and correct answers, but very well compiled. Handy text-book suitable for learning on travels
  • the same author published also the book: Zbraně a střelivo mezi paragrafy (Firearms and ammo within the paragraphs) , which probably adds laws and regulations to his first publication
  • Price: about CZK 80
Záruba,Krč; Zbrojní průkaz; vše co potřebujete znát ke zk. odborné způsobilosti (Firearm Licence; Everything you need to know for Competency Certificate Test) - ISBN 80-7201-413-7
  • not recommended one. Do not buy this book! Mistakes in evaluation of the tests. Moreover, in comparison with the first book, this one is more expensive, excluding the examination software
  • Price: about CZK 290

Books related to practical examination:

Jan Komenda; bezpečná manipulace se zbraní při zk. odborné způsobilosti pro žadatele o ZP (Firearms safety for Competency Certificate Test) - ISBN 80-86687-03-1
  • outstanding publication (pistol, shotgun and rimfire rifle 22LR). Field stripping, loading, unloading and more and more. Very comprehensible.
  • Price: about CZK 80

Note: taken from ULL and translated.